Culture Transformation
Company Culture, Brand, and EVP

What if there was a way to instill the deeply rooted beliefs and habits needed to enhance team bonding, and build a high-performance culture on auto-pilot? 

Discover the Power of the IMPACT Method®

Our organizational culture solutions go beyond employee perks to team-building activities.  Clients trust us because of our ability to handle the frustrations and overwhelm of leading organizations through transformation with proven solutions. Our results are anchored in our ability to identify and address the root causes of your culture issues, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Our Employee Engagement Strategies Outperform Others by up to 202%.

Whether you are experiencing the pain of high turnover, low-performance, and/or a lack of alignment between employees and company values and goals, we help you overcome it all.

Helping Solve Your Most Painstaking Issues

Is your organization currently experiencing any of the listed symptoms of a toxic culture?  Believe it or not, as your organization grows it is normal to weave in an out of seasons where company culture needs to be transformed or re-established.  

❌ Lack of team bonding

Sense of boredom/ unhappiness

High turnover rate


Taking credit for others' work

❌ Blame culture

❌ Gossip and negativity

❌ Unrealistic expectations

❌ Lack of work-life balance

❌ Sexual harassment/ discrimination


Lack of recognition/ appreciation

Unethical behavior

Lack of safety

Stressful work environment

Introducing the IMPACT Method®

The IMPACT Method® is the perfect solution for your internal conflicts no matter the size, shape, or industry of your organization.  

Not only does it embody the KPI's, structure, and strategy of your company, but it is interactive, dynamic.  Contact our IMPACT Strategist today to help you craft the perfect IMPACT Method® to transform your culture.  One that is authentic to your brand, and creates employee buy-in and trust on all organizational levels.

What is the IMPACT Method®


It is scientifically proven that the identity an individual or body of people take on will determine their habits.  Unconscious habits are the foundation of every culture. 


The human mind is designed to be goal oriented.  By having a mission that guides the direction of the organization it helps them to band together behind a greater cause.


If the mission is "what" your organization is doing, the purpose would be "who" you are doing it for.  By aligning the culture with a body of people it serves this helps keep the company customer-centric.


By far one of the most powerful characteristics of any staff member in your organization will be their ability to adapt and handle inevitable change.  This should be rewarded. 

Core Values

Core Values should always be at the forefront of every decision the company and its leadership makes.  By making Core Values a critical component, we ensure the attraction of staff and customers with similiar moral compasses.


Every element could be in place in the IMPACT Method®, but without trust it means nothing.  This is also the element that the leadership has the most responsibility for, and the least amount of ability to control.

Money is rarely the primary reason for high-turnover and low productivity.

The tech mammoth, Google, caused media back lash in 2021 for this similar reason and implemented DEI to focus on culture shifts.  As a result, they seen a growth rate of employee satisfaction and productivity of over 20%.

Ready to discover the benefits of a high-performance culture?

To be excellent is to do what excellence requires.  Start by taking action to move your organization forward.  We are on standby waiting to speak with you.